The Sequel: No TransLink Tax Sign Stolen in Kits (Again!)

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/04/28
  • Second police report filed
  • Caught on tape – again

VANCOUVER, B.C.: A No TransLink Tax campaign supporter has filed a second report with the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) after anotherNo TransLink Tax lawn sign was stolen out of his front yard in Kitsilano on Monday, April 20. The new sign went missing less than two weeks after his first sign was stolen on April 8.


The supporter has turned over CCTV footage of both thefts to the VPD. In the April 20

video, posted HERE, a man strolls on to the No TransLink Tax supporter’s property, takes the sign, and walks away.


“In a campaign where we have seen the YES side wallpaper the region with taxpayer-funded propaganda, it’s sad to see someone stooping to such measures as stealing a lonely NO sign off private property,” said Jordan Bateman, spokesperson for the No TransLink Tax campaign. “We only had 700 signs for the entire region – just one for every three square kilometres, but even that was too much of a threat for some on the YES side.”


Over the past several weeks, the No TransLink Tax campaign has had to put up with dozens of signs stolen by YES supporters and seized by municipal bylaw officers or provincial transportation officials in Vancouver, Surrey, Port Coquitlam, Langley City, Langley Township and New Westminster.


“Unlike the YES side and their $7-million government-funded campaign, our signs were paid for by everyday taxpayers concerned about this unfair tax,” said Bateman. “Just like last time, we’re advising upset NO supporters not to retaliate and deface YES side ads, but rather to convince their neighbours to vote NO to the TransLink tax.”


The new video can be seen HERE.

The April 8th video can be found HERE.


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